Book your Chapel Tickets here
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International visitors: please choose the BST or GMT timezone for your booking
Important pricing information
Full price - Adult aged between 18 and 64 who does not qualify for any reductions below
Reduced price - Concessions are available for visitors who are disabled, aged 65+, unemployed, students, or Armed Forces. Relevant ID or proof should be brought on the day.
Children - Aged 17 or under in a family group are free.
Passholders rate is for Chapel Passholders only. Please note that membership cards from Historic Scotland, National Trust for Scotland or equivalent organisations do not apply here (please do not use this option if you do not have a pass to bring).
Voucher - Part of a gift experience or provided by a tour operator. The voucher must be brought with you on the day of your visit (please do not use this option if you do not have a voucher to bring).
ASVA Pass - Association of Scottish Visitor Attractions. Passes must be presented upon entry to the attraction. Passes must be valid, in date and proof of employment may be required.
Carer - Anyone who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.
STGA Tour Guide - Scottish Tourist Guides Association registered guide. Identification should be presented upon entry to the attraction.
Booking from overseas
If booking from somewhere outside the UK, please change the timezone in the booking box to London (BST or GMT) when choosing the timeslot for your visit.
Group Bookings for 15 or more can be made by contacting our team on 0131 440 2159 or by email –

Important pricing information
Full price - Adult aged between 18 and 64 who does not qualify for any reductions below
Reduced price - Concessions are available for visitors who are disabled, aged 65+, unemployed, students, or Armed Forces. Relevant ID or proof should be brought on the day.
Children - Aged 17 or under in a family group are free.
Passholders rate is for Chapel Passholders only. Please note that membership cards from Historic Scotland, National Trust for Scotland or equivalent organisations do not apply here.
Voucher - Part of a gift experience or provided by a tour operator. The voucher must be brought with you on the day of your visit (please do not use this option if you do not have a voucher to bring).
ASVA Pass - Association of Scottish Visitor Attractions. Passes must be presented upon entry to the attraction. Passes must be valid, in date and proof of employment may be required.
Carer - Anyone who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.
STGA Tour Guide - Scottish Tourist Guides Association registered guide. Identification should be presented upon entry to the attraction.
Booking from overseas
If booking from somewhere outside the UK, please change the timezone in the booking box to London (BST or GMT) when choosing the timeslot for your visit.
Group Bookings for 15 or more can be made by contacting our team on 0131 440 2159 or by email –
Other information
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, please ask about Gift Aid when you arrive, as this can increase your support for our work – at no extra cost to you!
Annual Pass
If you find that one visit just isn’t enough, you can apply for an annual pass for the Chapel. There is no additional charge to change your day ticket into a year’s pass so please ask for more details when you visit.
Your feedback
After your visit, we will send you a link to a short survey to find out more about your experience. This provides us with really useful information so thank you, in advance, for your help.