Planning a Visit
We look forward to welcoming your class to Rosslyn Chapel!
Rosslyn Chapel is a very small site, and so we ask you to get in touch and discuss the logistics of a visit with us in advance.
For larger numbers, we may need to split a class into small groups and rotate them around the site. In some situations, it may work best for us to deliver components of a workshop at school, pre- or post-visit to the actual Chapel. In such cases, we would come out to your school at no extra charge.
You can discuss any special requirements or visit logistics with us at the time of booking.
Please get in touch to discuss any charges. Contact learning@rosslynchapel.com.
Travel Costs
Rosslyn Chapel can cover the cost of coach or mini bus hire for a visit to the Chapel, if your school is coming to do a delivered workshop from our regular school workshop offer or a Junior Tour Guide event. Contact learning@rosslynchapel.com for more information.
Contact learning@rosslynchapel.com to arrange your booking.
Risk Assessments
It is your responsibility to carry out a risk assessment for your school’s visit to Rosslyn Chapel. We have a hazard planning sheet that can help you carry out your risk assessment. Download the hazard planning sheet here (PDF)
COVID: Please note that due to the size of the Chapel site we are unable to offer a “dedicated learning space” during public opening hours. For more information about our Covid precautions and risk assessments and to discuss how we can manage a school visit safely, please email learning@rosslynchapel.com.
Pre-visit resources
Use this short pre-visit slideshow to help prepare your class for their visit to Rosslyn Chapel. It features 5 key facts about the Chapel and 5 points to our top 5 things to look out for during your visit. Download the pre-visit slideshow.
Our new downloadable “Visual Story” is designed as a guide to visiting the Chapel for children with autism. It describes what a physical visit to the Chapel looks and feels like. Download the Visual Story Autism Guide.