Further work to stained glass windows
More of the Chapel’s stained glass windows have been removed for conservation work. Mark Bambrough, of the Scottish Glass Centre, said: ‘Due to extreme paint loss, the stained glass windows are being removed to enhance their legibility for the benefit of the congregation and visitors; this is part of a process to return them to…
More scaffolding comes down at the Chapel
More scaffolding has come down this week at Rosslyn Chapel, as the major conservation programme draws to an end. Nic Boyes, of Nicholas Boyes Stone Conservation Ltd, said: ‘The recent improvement in the weather has allowed us to complete conservation treatments to the north and south transept walls and west elevation masonry. Vastly improved wall…
Service to mark key date for Rosslyn Chapel
A special service was held at Rosslyn Chapel on Sunday 21 April to commemorate a significant event in the Chapel’s history. Rosslyn Chapel was founded in 1446 but, following the Reformation, services stopped being held there 1592 and did not begin again until the Chapel was re-dedicated as a place of worship on 22 April…
Visitor Centre in shortlist for prestigious award
Rosslyn Chapel’s new visitor centre has made the shortlist for Scotland’s most prestigious architectural awards. The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) received 75 entries for its 2013 awards and Rosslyn Chapel’s visitor centre has been included in the shortlist of 25. The award judges will visit in the next few weeks before winners…
Chapel reaches 1,000 followers on Twitter
The number of followers of Rosslyn Chapel on Twitter has today reached the milestone of 1,000. Ian Gardner, Director of Rosslyn Chapel Trust, said ‘Following Rosslyn Chapel on Twitter is an excellent way to keep up with the latest news and find out about forthcoming events and activities. It’s great news to see the number…
February fun planned at Rosslyn Chapel
With the February mid-term school holiday almost upon us, there are family activities planned at Rosslyn Chapel, Midlothian’s iconic attraction. Throughout the week (11th-15th), there will be a treasure hunt, encouraging young visitors to find a variety of clues around the historic Chapel. All clues will be based on a theme of ‘nature’, since this…
February news update
Romance was in the air this week with an engagement proposal in the Chapel – congratulations to the happy couple, Alan and Katie, from all the staff here at Rosslyn. Also this week our Junior Tour Guides returned, braving the pouring rain on Thursday to perform to 41 visiting pupils from Moorfoot Primary. It was…
January 2013 update
Sorry folks, it has been quite a wee while since our last news item – we were having a few hiccups with our website, thankfully all fixed now though. Hopefully you have been keeping up to speed with Chapel goings-on via our twitter and facebook pages…in fact, celebrity author Dan Brown has just started following…
Stained glass window progress
This week stained glass windows from the Chapel’s north aisle have been returned, all clean and freshly restored by the Scottish Glass Studio, Glasgow. They are currently being carefully refitted and should be back in full view in the coming days. See the media section of our site for a video of the Glass Studio’s…
Roslin Family Fun Day 2012
The Chapel had a brilliant time taking part in the Roslin Family Fun Day at the weekend – thank you very much to the organising committee, Clare, Juliet and Morag. Thanks also to Neil and Doug for pitching our Chapel gazebo (no mean feat!) and of course to all the lovely people who dropped in…