Remembering Robert Burns at Rosslyn Chapel


January 20, 2014

In 1787, Robert Burns wrote ‘Epigram At Roslin Inn’ when visiting the now named College Hill house adjacent to the chapel.

My blessings on ye, honest wife! I ne’er was here before; Ye’ve wealth o’ gear for spoon and knife- Heart could not wish for more. Heav’n keep you clear o’ sturt and strife, Till far ayont fourscore, And while I toddle on thro’ life, I’ll ne’er gae by your door!

To celebrate the much loved Scottish poet, childen from Roslin After School Club visited the Chapel’s visitor centre for a craft afternoon.

Also to mark Burns Night, there was a Family Challenge Prize Draw, running throughout the day with a challenge to write your very own poem about your visit to the chapel, just like Burns did when visiting the Inn.

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