From Source to Sacred
A Pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel
This new walking route allows you to follow the journey of the stone for Rosslyn Chapel - from source to sacred - and encourages you to experience it not only as a pleasant hike but also as a form of pilgrimage. The 13-mile route starts in the village of Carlops and crosses open moorland to the town of Penicuik, where it joins the Penicuik-Dalkeith walkway, before cutting through Roslin Glen to reach the Chapel. On the way are several sites of historic interest.
It was recently discovered that much of the stone used to build the Chapel came from a quarry site near Carlops, some twelve miles southwest of Roslin. From its source, the stone travelled across this landscape: prised raw from the sandstone bedrock by quarriers and cut into blocks by masons, then carted over upland moor, across ravine and through dense woodland to Roslin, where it was carved, finished and transformed into the extraordinary sacred building you see today.
Follow in their footsteps and walk across expansive moorland and through beautiful woodland and riverside to arrive at Rosslyn Chapel.
Download the detailed, printable pilgrimage guide for maps and further information.
Download the detailed, printable pilgrimage guide for maps and further information.