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Go Down To The Sacristy

The Sacristy, or Crypt, was used as a workshop during the 40 years when the Chapel was being built. Drawings on the wall provide remarkable evidence for the designs used in the Chapel's construction.
The engrailed cross of the St Clair family is carved on the roof and on the front of the altar.
The stained glass window, designed by Patrick Pollen, shows the transfiguration of Christ on the mountain and was added in 1954.
Traditionally stone crypts like this would have been used as burial chambers. In 2003, the crypt rose to fame in its starring role in The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and again in 2006, when it featured in the film's finale.
The Sacristy is only accessible by a steep flight of steps and a folder of photographs is available, on request, for visitors who are not able to access this part.