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September 5 2014

It’s official – cyclists very welcome at the Chapel!

5 September 2014

Rosslyn Chapel has become the first heritage site in the Lothians to be recognised by VisitScotland’s ‘Cyclists Welcome’ scheme. The welcome award recognises the special efforts made by tourism businesses and organisations to provide cycle parking and cycling-specific information and assistance. Ian Gardner, Director of Rosslyn Chapel Trust, said: ‘As part of our commitment to…

August 18 2014

Author’s visit to Chapel

18 August 2014

A day after his appearance at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, author Robert Wainwright visited Rosslyn Chapel for a special event on Saturday 16th August. Robert gave a fascinating account of his biography ‘Sheila’ in a 30-minute talk and tour through the family memorials in the unique setting of the precinct of Rosslyn Chapel. A…

July 17 2014

Chapel joins new tourism partnership

17 July 2014

Rosslyn Chapel has joined a new alliance with tourism partners and the Councils in Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian to encourage more groups to visit the Lothians. The new partnership has secured funding from VisitScotland’s Growth Fund. Together the three Lothians areas were awarded £11,900 from the Growth Fund to target the travel trade…

June 20 2014

Defibrillator handed over at Chapel

20 June 2014

Rosslyn Chapel’s defibrillator has been handed over by representatives of Roslin and Bilston Community First Responders. The equipment, which has been purchased by Rosslyn Chapel Trust, will be kept in the Visitor Centre and will be available, should any visitor require it. Research shows that for every minute that passes from the onset of a…

June 16 2014

Queen’s Baton Relay visits Chapel

16 June 2014

A guard of honour from Rosslyn Chapel’s Junior Guides welcomed the Queen’s Baton, carried by actor Brian Cox,  when it arrived at Rosslyn Chapel today. As part of its day in Midlothian, the Baton arrived in Roslin just after 9.15am, then  proceeded along the Main Street. Alastair Brown, of Balerno, handed the Baton to Brian…

May 27 2014

Chapel features in new movie map for city

27 May 2014

A new Edinburgh movie map highlighting key locations seen in films such as Trainspotting, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and The Da Vinci Code has been launched to celebrate the city’s glittering history on the silver screen. A collaboration between VisitScotland and Film Edinburgh, the map features 32 locations around the city which were…

May 16 2014

Hold the Front Page!

16 May 2014

[fusion_text]Visitor attractions across Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian will be boosted this year thanks to VisitScotland’s new area guide, featuring Rosslyn Chapel on its front cover. VisitScotland’s ‘What to see and do’ guide was launched by the national tourism organisation’s Chief Executive, Malcolm Roughead, when he enjoyed a tour of the four star…

April 20 2014

A Memorable Day of Medieval Music

20 April 2014

Medieval music was the theme for this Easter and included a day of some lovely – and sometimes surprising – sounds at the Chapel! In advance of the Easter weekend, followers on Facebook and Twitter got involved with ‘Revealing the Heavenly Choir’, which explained 8 different instruments played by 10 carved angels inside the Chapel….

April 7 2014

Scaffolding coming down helps visitor numbers go up

7 April 2014

Visitor numbers at Rosslyn Chapel show that 2013 was its busiest year since 2007. During the financial year, which ended on 31 March 2014, the Chapel welcomed 144,823 visitors, which was an increase of 13% on the previous year. The year’s total was the highest number since 2007/8, when there were nearly 159,000 visitors. Ian…

April 5 2014

Special service to mark key date in Chapel’s history

5 April 2014

A special service has been held at Rosslyn Chapel to commemorate a significant event in the Chapel’s history. Rosslyn Chapel was founded in 1446 but, following the Reformation, services stopped being held in 1592 and did not begin again until the Chapel was re-dedicated as a place of worship on 22 April 1862 by the…

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