Supporting our Work
Rosslyn Chapel Trust is a charity, registered in Scotland number SC0024324. We receive no regular public funding but rely on donations and income from visitors to support our work. Every donation makes a difference.
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Thank you for supporting Rosslyn Chapel Trust

Looking after our places
Rosslyn Chapel Trust is responsible for the care and maintenance of Rosslyn Chapel (Category A listed), Rosslyn Castle (Category A Listed), Collegehill House (Category B Listed) as well as an area of Roslin Glen. Since 1995, the Trust has undertaken major conservation projects at all three buildings as well as ongoing routine repairs to footpaths in the Glen. The three buildings require constant attention and maintenance to ensure that future generations can appreciate them. You can support this work by making a donation here.

Inspiring new generations
Our learning programmes inspire children to learn about Rosslyn Chapel, its unique carvings and its place in medieval life. Working with mostly primary schools within Midlothian, our programmes range from 'dragon' workshops for P1 to our long-standing programme with Roslin primary, when children in P7 become our Junior Tour Guides and host visits from other schools. The Trust is responsible for developing the programmes, sometimes with the help of external partners, and we generally will pay transport costs for local schools to visit. You can support this work by making a donation here

Telling our stories
Rosslyn Chapel has intrigued and attracted visitors for generations. The Trust is gathering a collection of items which reflect this interest such as Victorian postcards and early souvenirs. In 2023, the Trust acquired two antique guidebook for the Chapel, dated 1827 and 1838. Both will require some conservation treatment and will eventually be displayed in the Chapel's Visitor Centre. We are grateful that some conservation work will funded by the Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust. You can support this work by making a donation here

Enhancing our experiences
We hope that everyone enjoys their visit to Rosslyn Chapel and we are constantly trying to improve the experience for our visitors. For example, in 2023, we introduced new, specially made, lighting which is already making a great difference. If you have enjoyed a visit in the past, you can support this work by making a donation here

If you enjoy visiting Rosslyn Chapel or have stayed at Rosslyn Castle or Collegehill House, please consider leaving a gift in your Will.
No matter how small or big, every gift will make a significant difference to our work. If you would like to discuss the best way your legacy can be used to help Rosslyn Chapel Trust, please contact the Director at the address below or email director@rosslynchapel.com.
To make a gift in your Will, please state that either a specific amount, or percentage of your estate, should be given to Rosslyn Chapel Trust, a charity registered in Scotland number SC024324, and sent to the Director, Rosslyn Chapel Trust, Chapel Loan, Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland, EH25 9PU.
We are extremely grateful for your support.